Welcome to my Everything page!
Here's you'll find everything I offer to help you learn about analytics and grow your traffic.
Google Analytics 4
FREE Differences Between GA4 & UA Metrics for Bloggers Reference Sheet
Understand the differences between metrics in GA4 vs. UA.

FREE Most Important Dimensions & Metrics for Bloggers Reference Sheet
Discover the metrics and dimensions you need to be tracking in GA4.
GA4 Simplified for Pro Bloggers
This is the only course you'll need to help you learn (and maybe even love) GA4 by explaining the new data model and interface in easy-to-understand terms.

GA4 Quick Start
Learn just what you need to get started with GA4.
Outbound Clicks Tracking Kit
Learn how you can make more money by tracking your outbound clicks in GA4.

Pinterest Pin Traffic Tracker
Track exactly which pins are sending you traffic from Pinterest.
Google Search Console
FREE Grow Your Traffic with No New Content Guide
Save time by growing your traffic without publishing new blog posts.

FREE Create Content Guaranteed to Rank Guide
No more guessing! Use these techniques to create content that's guaranteed to rank and get traffic.

Search Console Traffic Techniques
Learn how to use your Google Search Console data to grow your traffic!
Nuts & Bolts of Google Search Console
Don't really understand Google Search Console? You will after taking this course!

Google Search Console Challenge
In just 3 days, you'll have a solid action plan for growing your traffic using your GSC data.
WordPress Walkthrough
Don't understand all the ins and outs of WordPress? This course will take you step-by-step through all you need to know.